Category Archives: jQuery

Displaying year on your website with JavaScript and jQuery

In HTML-part:


In JavaScript, if the year is the same as the first year (in our example 2016) - we won't display it:
(function() {

	var dateNow = new Date();
	var thisYear = dateNow.getFullYear();
	var changeText = document.getElementById("js-year");

	if (thisYear != "2016"){
		changeText.innerHTML = ' - ' +thisYear;
And in jQuery:
var dateNow = new Date()
	var thisYear = dateNow.getFullYear();

	if (thisYear != "2016"){
		$("#js-year").text(' - ' +thisYear);


Hiding email from spam-bots

In your HTML:

Here is JavaScript's part:

Ok, and now jQuery's version:
emailE=('mail@' + '');
var neededDiv =  ('#js-m-pr');
 $(neededDiv).html('' + emailE + '');
