Category Archives: Shortcuts

Add/delete multiple rows in Goolge Sheets

For adding multiple rows in Google Sheets: Add 8 rows at once 1. Choose how many rows you want to add. In my example I chose eight rows. Add 8 rows at once in Google Sheets 2. Right click and it gives you a choice to add above or below. Right click and it gives you a choice to add above or below 3. I chose below and voila - it is done! Add 8 rows at once in Google Sheets You can you use the same technique for deleting rows and adding-deleting columns. Here is an animated gif of the full process: Add 8 rows at once in Google Sheets

Chorme Developers Tool tips

At the moment I'm taking Udacity's course Mobile Web Development and in Lesson 2 there were some good tips about Chrome Developers Tool.

[caption id="attachment_122" align="alignnone" width="754"]Chrome Developers Tool color checkbox If you hover color's checkbox - the hint is there.[/caption]

  1. Click on color's checkbox, it opens colorpicker and you can play with colors directily in your browser.

    [caption id="attachment_126" align="alignnone" width="804"]You can test colors using Chrome Developers colorpicker You can test colors using Chrome Developers colorpicker[/caption]

  2. If you press SHIFT and click color's checkbox — it changes color format: hex → rgb → hsl.

  3. If you click on any numerical value and use your mouses's scroll — you can change it as you wish, smaller or bigger.