Tag Archives: flag variable

JavaScript30 – Day 10

JavaScript30 is 30-day vanilla javaScript coding challenge by Wes Bos (@wesbos). The purpose of these posts is to reflect my troubles and moments of ahhaa. Lessons from Day 10: Demo - Day 10
  1. let var - another type of variable in JavaScript. Variables declared by let have as their scope the block in which they are defined, as well as in any contained sub-blocks . In this way, let works very much like var. The main difference is that the scope of a var variable is the entire enclosing functionMDN link
  2. inBetween = !inBetween is same as inbetween = true. It's also called a flag variable - a flag variable, in its simplest form, is a variable you define to have one value until some condition is true, in which case you change the variable's value.
  3. Warning‐change vs click I started it by myself and in this point - it didn't react anyhow.
    if(e.shiftKey && this.checked){
    As I listened to the 'change', I changed it to 'click' and voila - it worked.
Day 10 code on github.